Transformer 4.0 : Digital Revolution of Power Transformers

Energy 4.0 and the digital paradigm are transforming the design, manufacturing and operations of complex solutions. As one of four flagship projects under the MIT Portugal Partnership 2030 (MPP2030), this project joins complementary research competencies: EFACEC, as manufacturer of power transformers, INESCTEC (computer science, industry and innovation) and INEGI (mechanical and industrial engineering) as Portuguese research institutes, and MIT Sociotechnical Systems Research Center to enable a comprehensive and multidisciplinary research program. The cornerstone of the project is the Digital Twin, a virtual counterpart of the physical system that will enable disruptive approaches in transformer design and manufacturing, new communication models and new added value services, such as intelligent condition monitoring, preventive maintenance, and aging evaluation, among others. MIT SEAri focuses on the sociotechnical aspects of digital transformation, and aims to further the design theory of digital twin-based sociotechnical systems, as well as digital platforms in general.